Malaysia Smart City Components: Smart Traffic Light Management
A step into Smart City: Tackling traffic congestion As cities around the world reopen their economic activities, traffic congestion once again beset the life of […]
TRENDS & DIGITAL STRATEGY: How 5G is Driving Urbanisation
5G services have been introduced in more than one-third of the countries around the world. Operators, vendors, and enterprises have accelerated their investments in 5G […]
TRENDS & DIGITAL STRATEGY : Changing Gears – From Caution to Jumpstart
Ahmad Taufek Omar, Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer, TM One Decades from now, when historians look back on today and write our history, how will […]
DEMYSTIFY TECHNOLOGY: Securing Your Business in the Digital Era
The COVID-19 crisis and the unprecedented acceleration towards digitalisation have caused companies worldwide to race onto digital platforms. As companies stepped onto digital means, they […]
CELEBRATING SUCCESS: Pos Malaysia Redefining Business with Digital Strategies and Partnerships
Pos Malaysia Group (“the Group”) started as a traditional postal service and has since expanded to provide financial services and supply chain solutions. As reinvention […]