RTM Built Highly Reliable Digital Infrastructure on TM One Cloud Platform to Deliver Exceptional User Experience
TM One helped RTM transform content management by migrating to a cloud-based system, improving efficiency, transparency, scalability, and reducing costs for content procurement.
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RTM Built Highly Reliable Digital Infrastructure on TM One Cloud Platform to Deliver Exceptional User Experience
TM One helped RTM transform content management by migrating to a cloud-based system, improving efficiency, transparency, scalability, and reducing costs for content procurement.
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RTM Built Highly Reliable Digital Infrastructure on TM One Cloud Platform to Deliver Exceptional User Experience
TM One helped RTM transform content management by migrating to a cloud-based system, improving efficiency, transparency, scalability, and reducing costs for content procurement.
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RTM Built Highly Reliable Digital Infrastructure on TM One Cloud Platform to Deliver Exceptional User Experience
TM One helped RTM transform content management by migrating to a cloud-based system, improving efficiency, transparency, scalability, and reducing costs for content procurement.
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RTM Built Highly Reliable Digital Infrastructure on TM One Cloud Platform to Deliver Exceptional User Experience
Jesmine Tan
TM One Marketing
Reading time: 8 minutes
Date posted: 18 October 2024
Date modified: 19 February 2025
Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) & TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd
Discover the benefits of cloud computing for public sectors. Explore how TM One helped Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) migrates to cloud and automate to streamline operation costs and runtimes in content management platform.
Moving to cloud is imperative for public sectors - due to the rapid transformation in recent years. Accelerated by the pandemic, increased of dependency on technology shift has simultaneously underlined worrying inefficiencies ties to legacy IT infrastructure that still exists in the public sectors.
RTM being the leading main media of choice and to achieve content acquisition plan twice in a year,has a total procurement value of RM500 million per rolling plan. In essence, RTM has an aspiration to empower content programs and service delivery to Malaysian. Yet, RTM faces the absence of a comprehensive online platform that can relieve RTM’s procurement workflow and to provide prominence status and progress of content submissions.
Reflecting on the current state of RTM
Deficiency of digital infrastructure to local creative industry supplier companies to participate and carry out registration and delivery proposals.
A lengthy manual processes and time consuming to complete an acquisition process.
Absence of a profound system to receive, encode, manage and to streamline the video proposal content effectively.
A platform to enable screening panels and assessors to perform their duties more effectively, safely and transparently.
The current operational system is insufficient to output desired results.
The current content acquisition process is unable to perform competently.
The Content Industry Supplier Company unable to access RTM’s Creative Content Supply Platform to submit their content creative proposals online timely; and made various complaints to the Government. In addition, the RTM’s procurement secretariat is also unable to perform procurement management tasks efficiently and steadily.
Incompetent and limited infrastructure and network constraints.
The current system is unable to provide online playback, or streaming of video contents online.
Call for Change
RTM saw an opportunity to tap into the scalability and flexibility provided by cloud computing services – tapped on a holistic approach creatively translate RTM’s procurement workflow into e TVCMS system.
Difficulty to control the flow of proposal acceptance and content materials over online system with the capability to track information and roles using unique user IDs.
Hiccups on content supply procurement operations per see company registration, acceptance and evaluation of proposals; and content materials through online system cannot be implemented.
Disrupting suppliers participation in the procurement process which ends up provoking complaints related to the credibility and integrity of the department.
Impact the department image as the Government Official Broadcaster.
The secretariat is manually manage the reception, storage and ‘playback’ of video content proposals.
Technical issues to play the video content proposal will upset the procurement process’s management and assessment.
Evaluation transparency is affected if the evaluation process is not smooth in a systematic procedure.
What Happened Next?
Despite a clear goal to make cloud the foundation for mission-critical content management operation. RTM teamed up with TM One to plan and execute a shift to digital platform - Software as A Service (SaaS) cloud environment.
RTM leveraged on TM Cloud Alpha Edge (CAE) which RTM e-TVCMS (e-Television Content Management System) resides in it - a platform with high accessibility to embrace the department and industry to carry out online content supply in a systematic, convenient and integrity manners.
e-TVCMS system facilitates the registration and management of companies in the Creative Industry Supplier sector, streamlining the procurement of content supply for RTM. Likewise, this implementation helped the customers achieve their goals of tripling the supply acquisition process. It also enabled RTM's procurement secretariat to digitise and execute the procurement process within a short timeframe of 3-5 business days.
The Wins
Modernise content integration and analytics.
Scalability to support growth of content data.
A solid foundation and blueprint for moving content management system or content applications to cloud.
Lower total operational cost, moving from a CAPEX to OPEX model.
Better system availability for content management functions across multi-departments.
Swifter overall content management system and/ or application powered by TM Cloud Alpha Edge (CAE) Cloud solution.
Open access to additional cloud managed services to support ongoing maintenance and services.
Supported real-time content activities and created foundation for new analytical capabilities.
Faster deployment and performance at all cross-functional levels.
With the move to TM cloud, RTM now has a versatile platform it needs for always-on flexible and scalable operations system. We safeguard the project would meet strict technology and procedural protocols for RTM-maintained content management at minimal disruption.
Productivity Efficiency
Both Creative Content Unit (UKK) and Broadcasting Department (RTM) enable to manage and operate the procurement processes more efficiently, hence improving performance with veracity to the procedures and work processes of the departments.
Zero Traveling Cost and Time Saving at 7 days
Reduction in runtime on daily and impromptu content management activities and content batch processing.
Zero traveling cost to Creative Industry Suppliers to upload documents online instead of sending physical proposals to RTM premises.
Zero traveling cost to Secretariat able to review and evaluate the technical assessment online.
Company Registration Process is shrank from 21 days to 7 days.
Collaboration and security
The system offers security features embrace with encryption access, local data management and storage, along with cloud computing infrastructure protection.
Digitalising Workplace, Process & People
Improve the overall content procurement system.
Complying to a transparent content procurement evaluation process and integrity to guarantee the department credibility.
Enhance the effectiveness of supplier contract and performance management.
Preparing a comprehensive and efficient online platform to stakeholders.
Creative content in the form of videos is administered entirely digitally online.
TM ONE’s partnership with RTM has seen it nurtures valuable brand equity and top-of-mind awareness among customers.
With its enterprise IT move to cloud, RTM became fully equipped to better serve their stakeholders and flourish as a leading media business for years to come. Its highly resilient and agile technology architecture is the prime enabler of the company’s digital future. RTM can scale readily and shift additional systems to the cloud as needed in the future. The ongoing transformation also grant RTM to take advantage of additional technical capabilities in the cloud, including services for integration and intelligent automation. Delivering on RTM’s mission and citizen experiences in the future will require public-sector technology leaders to look for ways to actively advance their cloud schema. Public-sector technology leaders who ride on the digital transformation bandwagons will ensure they are pursuing a profound cloud strategy that takes the organisation’s existing talent, legacy infrastructure investments, as well as future aspirations into account. By taking this thoughtful approach, they can position their organisations to reap the benefits of cloud migration today, and thriving into the future.
TM One takes immense pride to share the accomplishments in the e-TVCMS initiatives.
This achievement underscored our commitment to cultivating a workplace that nurtures a positive, dynamic, and inclusive environment; reflecting our practices as a human-centred tech company.Both the award and journal recognitions highlighted the best examples of customer and partner innovation and transformation across key industries in the region.
Anugerah Agensi Perintis Inisiatif Cloud Framework Agreement (CFA); Penganjur: Persidangan Digital Sektor Awam (PDSA 2023); Peringkat Persekutuan; Tarikh: 13th, September, 2023.
The Government Cloud Content Management Platform Is An Enabler For The Creative Content Industry In Malaysia, Finlayson Anak Ludan, Siti Mariam Shahar, Suhaimi Sulaiman, Mohammad Yusari Ameer, Effa Dian, Azliza Juliana & Maryani Man; Global Conference of Communication, Culture & Contemporary Media (GLOCOM 2023); E-Proceeding, Volume 1.
Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) & TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd
Terokai kelebihan pengkomputeran awan bagi sektor awam. Ketahui bagaimana TM One membantu Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) berhijrah ke pengkomputeran awam dan diautomatikkan bagi menyatukan kos operasi dan waktu jalan dalam platform pengurusan kandungan.
Latar belakang:
Pemindahan ke awan merupakan langkah imperatif bagi sektor awam memandangkan transformasi yang ketara kebelakangan ini. Berikutan tekanan daripada pandemik, peningkatan dalam kebergantungan terhadap peralihan teknologi turut menambahkan kebimbangan terhadap ketidakcekapan dalam infrastruktur legasi IT yang masih wujud dalam sektor awam.
RTM sebagai media utama dalam matlamat mencapai pelan perolehan kandungan dua kali dalam setahun, mempunyai jumlah nilai perolehan sebanyak RM500 juta bagi setiap pelan boleh pinda. Secara dasarnya, RTM mempunyai aspirasi untuk terus memperkasakan program kandungan dan penyampaikan perkhidmatan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Namun, RTM mengalami kekurangan platform dalam talian yang menyeluruh bagi membantu melancarkan proses perolehan serta menyediakan status dan progres utama dalam penyerahan kandungan.
Melihat situasi semasa RTM
Kekurangan infrastruktur digital bagi syarikat penyedia industri kreatif untuk menyertai dan melengkapkan proses pendaftaran serta menyampaikan cadangan.
Proses manual yang panjang serta proses perolehan yang memakan masa lama untuk dilengkapkan.
Ketiadaan sistem yang terperinci bagi menerima, merekod, mengurus dan memperkemas cadangan video kandungan secara efektif.
Platform yang membolehkan panel saringan dan penilai menjalankan tugas mereka dengan lebih cekap, selamat dan telus.
Sistem operasi sekarang tidak mencukupi untuk menghasilkan keputusan yang diingini.
Proses perolehan kandungan sekarang tidak mampu bersaing secara cekap. Syarikat Pembekal Industri Kreatif tidak boleh mengakses Platform Penyedia Kandungan Kreatif RTM bagi menghantar kertas cadangan kandungan kreatif mereka secara dalam talian dan telah beberapa kali membuat aduan kepada pihak Kerajaan. Tambahan lagi, sekretariat perolehan RTM juga tidak mampu menjalankan pengurusan perolehan secara efisien dan efektif.
Infrastruktur yang lemah dan terhad serta rangkaian yang terhad.
Sistem sekarang tidak mampu menyediakan ulang semula dalam talian, atau strim video kandungan secara dalam talian.
Masa untuk Berubah
RTM melihat terdapat peluang yang boleh diambil dari segi skala dan kebolehsesuaian dalam perkhidmatan pengkomputeran awan. Ini bermaksud menaksir aliran kerja perolehan RTM secara kreatif kepada sistem e-TVCMS.
Kesukaran dalam mengawal aliran kemasukan kertas cadangan dan bahan kandungan melalui sistem dalam talian berserta kebolehan menjejak maklumat dan peranan menggunakan ID unik pengguna.
Gangguan dalam operasi perolehan bekalan kandungan per se pendaftaran syarikat, penerimaan dan penilaian kertas cadangan; dan bahan kandungan melalui sistem dalam talian tidak boleh dilaksanakan.
Mengganggu penyertaan pembekal dalam proses perolehan, sekali gus menimbulkan aduan berkenaan kredibiliti dan integriti jabatan tersebut.
Mencalarkan imej jabatan Penyiar Rasmi Kerajaan.
Sekretariat menguruskan sendiri proses penerimaan, penyimpanan dan ‘main semula’ cadangan kandungan video.
Isu teknikal bagi menyiarkan cadangan kandungan video akan mengganggu pengurusan dan penaksiran proses perolehan.
Ketelusan penilaian akan terganggu sekiranya proses penilaian tidak melalui prosedur sistematik yang lancar.
Apa bakal berlaku?
Meskipun matlamat lebih nyata adalah menjadikan awan sebagai asas dalam misi operasi pengurusan kandungan, RTM bersetuju berkerjasama dengan TM One untuk merangka dan melakukan perubahan terhadap platform digital iaitu melalui Software as A Service (SaaS).
RTM menggunakan kelebihan TM Cloud Alpha Edge (CAE) yang selama ini digunapakai oleh RTM e-TVCMS (Electronic TV Content Management System), sebuah platform dengan ketercapaian tinggi yang membolehkan Jabatan dan industri menjalankan penyediaan kandungan dalam talian secara sistematik, mudah dan berintegriti.
Sistem e-TVCMS memudahkan proses pendaftaran dan pengurusan syarikat dalam sektor Penyedia Industri Kreatif, memperkemaskan lagi perolehan bekalan kandungan untuk RTM. Ini turut bermaksud, pelaksanaan ini membantu pelanggan mencapai matlamat mereka dengan meningkatkan tiga kali ganda proses perolehan bekalan. Ia juga membolehkan urus setia perolehan mendigitalkan dan menjalankan proses perolehan dalam masa yang singkat iaitu 3-5 hari bekerja.
The Wins
Memodenkan integrasi dan analisis kandungan.
Kebolehskalaan untuk membantu perkembangan data kandungan.
Asas dan rangka tindakan yang lebih kukuh bagi pemindahan sistem pengurusan kandungan atau pelaksanaan kandungan ke awan.
Kos operasi yang lebih rendah, pemindahan dari model CAPEX ke OPEX.
Ketersediaan sistem yang lebih baik untuk fungsi pengurusan kandungan bagi pelbagai jabatan.
Sistem dan atau aplikasi pengurusan kandungan yang lebih pantas, dikuasakan oleh TM Cloud Alpha Edge (CAE) Cloud solution.
Akses terbuka kepada perkhidmatan awan tambahan bagi membantu penyelenggaraan dan perkhidmatan yang diperlukan.
Menyokong aktiviti kandungan masa nyata dan mewujudkan asas bagi kebolehan analisis baharu.
Pengaturan dan prestasi yang lebih pantas di semua peringkat.
Dengan migrasi ke awan TM, RTM kini mempunyai platform yang serba boleh untuk operasi sistem yang sentiasa fleksibel dan boleh skala. Kami memastikan projek-projek tersebut mematuhi protokol teknologi dan prosedur yang ketat bagi pengurusan kandungan RTM dengan gangguan yang minimum.
Kecekapan Produktiviti
Kedua-dua Unit Kandungan dan Kreatif (UKK) dan Jabatan Penyiaran (RTM) membolehkan untuk mengurus dan menjalankan proses perolehan lebih cekap, sekaligus meningkatkan prestasi prosedur dan proses kerja masing-masing.
Tanpa Kos Perjalanan dan Penjimatan Masa Selama 7 Hari
Pengurangan masa kerja bagi aktiviti pengurusan kandungan secara harian dan spontan serta pemprosesan kandungan secara berkumpulan.
Tiada kos pendaftaran kepada Urus Setia memandangkan semakan dan penilaian boleh dilakukan secara dalam talian.
Tiada kos perjalanan bagi Pembekal Industri Kreatif untuk memuat naik dokumen secara dalam talian kerana tidak perlu lagi menghantar kertas cadangan secara fizikal ke premis RTM.
Proses Pendaftaran Syarikat dikurangkan dari 21 hari ke 7 hari.
Kolaborasi dan keselamatan
Sistem ini menawarkan ciri keselamatan yang menggunakan akses penyulitan, pengurusan dan simpanan data tempatan, serta perlindungan infrastruktur pengkomputeran awan.
Mendigitalkan Pejabat, Proses & Pekerja
Meningkatkan sistem perolehan kandungan secara menyeluruh.
Mematuhi proses dan integriti penilaian perolehan kandungan bagi memastikan kredibiliti jabatan.
Meningkatkan keberkesanan kontrak pembekal dan pengurusan prestasi.
Menyediakan platform dalam talian yang komprehensif dan efisien kepada pihak berkepentingan.
Kandungan kreatif dalam bentuk video akan dipantau sepenuhnya melalui dalam talian secara digital.
Kerjasama RTM dengan TM One berjaya membuahkan hasil yang bermakna bagi ekuiti jenama dan meningkatkan kesedaran di kalangan para pelanggan.
Dengan usaha pemindahan IT ke awan, RTM kini telah diperkasakan sepenuhnya untuk memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik kepada pihak-pihak berkepentingan, serta turut berkembang sebagai peneraju perniagaan media untuk tahun-tahun mendatang. Struktur teknologinya yang kukuh dan tangkas mendorong kejayaan syarikat ini dalam masa depan digital. RTM sentiasa bersedia dan mampu menukar sistem tambahan ke awan seiring dengan permintaan semasa dan akan datang. Transformasi semasa turut membuka ruang kepada RTM untuk mengambil peluang atas kebolehan teknikal awan, termasuk perkhidmatan integrasi dan automasi pintar.
Dalam memastikan pencapaian misi RTM dan pengalaman warga dunia akan datang, pemimpin teknologi dalam sektor awam perlu lebih aktif meneraju skema awan mereka. Pemimpin teknologi dalam sektor awam yang telah berjaya melalui transformasi digital perlu sentiasa memastikan strategi awan mereka kekal terperinci dan ini perlulah disertakan bersama pasukan dari organisasi, pelaburan infrastruktur legasi, serta aspirasi masa depan syarikat. Dengan pendekatan sebegini, mereka mampu mencapai kejayaan organisasi mereka melalui kelebihan migrasi awan hari ini, dan terus berkembang seiring masa hadapan.
TM One dengan bangganya berkongsi kejayaan ini melalui inisiatif e-TVCMS.
Kejayaan ini semestinya hasil komitmen kita dalam memupuk suasana tempat kerja yang positif, dinamik dan inklusif yang sekali gus turut melambangkan kita sebagai syarikat teknologi berteraskan insan. Kedua-dua anugerah dan pengiktirafan organisasi menekankan contoh terbaik bagi inovasi antara pelanggan dan rakan kerja serta transformasi di antara semua industri utama.
Anugerah Agensi Perintis Inisiatif Cloud Framework Agreement (CFA); Penganjur: Persidangan Digital Sektor Awam (PDSA 2023); Peringkat Persekutuan; Tarikh: 13th, September, 2023.
The Government Cloud Content Management Platform Is An Enabler For The Creative Content Industry In Malaysia, Finlayson Anak Ludan, Siti Mariam Shahar, Suhaimi Sulaiman, Mohammad Yusari Ameer, Effa Dian, Azliza Juliana & Maryani Man; Global Conference of Communication, Culture & Contemporary Media (GLOCOM 2023); E-Proceeding, Volume 1.
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