“Kerana kemudahan tidak hanya untuk sebahagian kelompok, tetapi untuk semua” "Because convenience is not for a few, but the masses" Setiaji, Chief of Digital Transformation […]
“Kerana kemudahan tidak hanya untuk sebahagian kelompok, tetapi untuk semua” "Because convenience is not for a few, but the masses" Setiaji, Chief of Digital Transformation […]
The city of Ipoh has been recognised as one of the most attractive destinations in Asia to visit. The Ipoh City Council (MBI) has mapped […]
Given the fragility of global conditions and increasing emphasis on using digital innovation to build a safer, and more sustainable future for the betterment of […]
A step into Smart City: Tackling traffic congestion As cities around the world reopen their economic activities, traffic congestion once again beset the life of […]
Industry experts are in accord that the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has delivered many sharp lessons including the urgent need to fast track smart […]
At 2018’s Mobile World Congress Shanghai, Internet of Things (IoT) smart city innovations are setting the pace and path for regional telecommunications development. At last […]